
The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.
The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.
ペドリング → 小児性愛犯罪ネットワークと捉えていいと思います。
This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.
The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.
In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.
In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea has stopped the flow of amphetamine money to the Khazarian cabal as well, according to Asian secret society sources.
The mass arrests and deportation of the MS-13 El Salvadorian gang who are hired killers for drug kingpin El Chapo, as well as a new attack on the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, means cocaine money from South America is also being cut off. The ongoing legalization of marijuana worldwide has also cut off that source of Khazarian black money.
With CIA drug money influence drying up, the International Criminal Court is poised to prosecute the CIA and the Bush cabal for torture and other war crimes in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere, the Pentagon and other sources say.
Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.
The Japanese criminals involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack on Japan, fearing for their lives, have detained whistleblower and Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” aka Slasha Zaric, and confined him in inhuman conditions at the Hasegawa Hospital in Fuchu, Tokyo. The hospital phone number is 81-422-31-8600.
2011年3月11日の津波と核による大量殺人事件に関わった日本の犯罪者たちは、命を恐れて、内部告発者でグノーシス・イルミナティのグランドマスター「アレクサンダー・ロマノフ」、通称スラシャ・ザリックを拘束し、東京都府中市の長谷川病院に非人道的な条件で監禁しました。 病院の電話番号は81-422-31-8600。
Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the mayor of Koganei City, the Police Chief of Koganei City, and all other criminals involved in the Fukushima crime against humanity will be jailed and eventually executed unless they release Zaric and immediately hold press conferences to confess their sins.

Their assets will be impounded and Zaric will be compensated for the harm that has been done to him, say White Dragon Society (WDS) sources. Of course, senior masterminds in the U.S., Italy, and Switzerland will also be brought to justice for these crimes.
Many top Khazarian mobsters like Bill Gates and George Soros have already been “taken out of commission,” WDS sources say.
Next among the most prominent people expected to be taken down are Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as well as Masayoshi Son of Softbank and many other oligarchs who have been used as funnels to launder privately-owned central-bank fiat money into the real economy. Japanese right-wing sources say that Son has “already been dealt with.”
次に、Googleのエリック・シュミット、アマゾンのジェフ・ベゾス、フェイスブックのマーク・ザッカーバーグ、ソフトバンクの孫正義など、個人所有の中央銀行を洗濯するための漏斗として使用されてきた多くの著名人が倒れると予想されています。 -実体経済に法定紙幣を銀行に預ける。日本の右翼筋は、息子は「すでに対処されている」と述べています。

Meanwhile, a source within U.S. Marine headquarters also provided sordid detail of other Khazarian crimes that were uncovered in the raid. This was received via e-mail from a CIA white-hat:
The U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia this past weekend. The Marines retrieved a lot of evidence implicating well-known politicians of embezzlement, election rigging, identity fraud, assassination plots, murders, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia. I’ve listed the following 23 ITEMS to pique your interest and summarize what’s happening:
- ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bushs and the Clintons.
項目1:CIA本部が襲撃され、FBIが中立化され、35兆ドルの米国財務省横領資金が回収されました。約100兆ドルがブッシュとクリントンによって横領されました。 - ITEM 2: President Donald Trump reopened the President John F. Kennedy assassination files and George H.W. Bush was behind it. JFK autopsy photographs were falsified.

- ITEM 3: The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a mainstream media distraction for what’s really going on (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and President Trump imposes military martial law) behind the scene.
項目3:これらすべての国会議員のセクシャルハラスメントの外出は、舞台裏で実際に起こっていること(米海兵隊がCIA本部を襲撃し、トランプ大統領が戒厳令を課す)に対する主流メディアの気晴らしです。 - ITEM 4: Alex Jones of Infowars is a traitor and national security threat who is connected with a division of the Mossad, the State of Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service.
アイテム4:インフォウォーズのアレックスジョーンズは、イスラエルの秘密情報部であるモサドの一部門に関係している裏切り者であり、国家安全保障上の脅威です。 - ITEM 5: Hillary Rodham Clinton had ordered the murders, through domestic assassination squads, of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary), William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence), Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel), and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy) — and others.

- ITEM 6: Then-Republican Presidential candidate Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.
項目6:当時の共和党大統領候補トランプは、テッド・クルーズ上院議員の父親がリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドと関係していることは正しかった。 - ITEM 7: California Rep. Adam Schiff, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, former White House Chief of Staff for U.S. President Barack Obama, are connected with the Mossad. Both Schiff and Emmanuel are pedophiles.
項目7:下院諜報活動委員会のランキングメンバーであるカリフォルニア州議会議員のアダム・シフと、元ホワイトハウスのバラク・オバマ大統領の首席補佐官であるシカゴ市長のラーム・エマニュエルは、モサドと関係があります。シフとエマニュエルはどちらも小児性愛者です。 - ITEM 8: Barack Obama was born in Kenya and the former President has committed identity fraud. Obama should be arrested for identity fraud.

- ITEM 9: Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and has committed identity fraud. Cruz should be arrested for identity fraud.
項目9:クルス上院議員は、米国上院議員になるために出生証明書を偽造し、なりすまし詐欺を犯したカナダ国民です。クルスは個人情報詐欺で逮捕されるべきです。 - ITEM 10: President Trump has got the file of every journalist (e.g. Anderson Cooper [CNN/CBS], Chris Matthews [MSNBC], Wolf Blitzer [CNN], and possibly Alex Jones [InfoWars]) that’s on the CIA payroll.
アイテム10:トランプ大統領は、CIAの給与に含まれるすべてのジャーナリスト(アンダーソンクーパー[CNN / CBS]、クリスマシューズ[MSNBC]、ウルフブリッツァー[CNN]、場合によってはアレックスジョーンズ[InfoWars])のファイルを持っています。 - ITEM 11: The U.S. Marines removed computers from CIA headquarters this past weekend.
アイテム11:米海兵隊は、先週末、CIA本部からコンピューターを撤去しました。 - ITEM 12: They now have proof and evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed election fraud, treason, and sedition. She’s a drug dealer. She’s committed mass murders. She’s murdered people at the State Department as a murder-for-hire scheme.

- ITEM 13: Bill Plante, who retired as a CBS News correspondent in November 2016, confirmed that JFK was shot from the front, Tennessee Sen./Democratic President candidate Al Gore actually won the 2000 election, and the whole 9/11 terrorist attack was rigged. Plante said none of this will be reported because reporters are afraid for their lives.
項目13:2016年11月にCBSニュースの特派員を引退したビル・プランテ氏は、JFKが正面から撃たれたこと、テネシー州上院議員/民主党大統領候補のアル・ゴアが実際に2000年の選挙で勝利したこと、9/11テロ事件全体が不正操作されたことを確認した。プランテ氏は、記者たちが自分たちの命を恐れているので、どれも報道されないだろうと述べています。 - ITEM 14: This country will not have a deficit once protocols are implemented. $100 trillion comes in, $35 trillion goes right into the U.S. Treasury, and there’s a $15 trillion surplus. We can cut taxes, rebuild the military, create a great infrastructure program for this country, and Donald Trump will go down as the greatest President since Ronald Reagan.
項目14:プロトコルが実装されると、この国は赤字になりません。100兆ドルが入ってきて、35兆ドルが米国財務省に直接送られ、15兆ドルの余剰があります。私たちは減税し、軍隊を再建し、この国のための素晴らしいインフラストラクチャプログラムを作成することができ、ドナルドトランプはロナルドレーガン以来の最高の大統領になります。 - ITEM 15: George H.W. Bush tried to assassinate President Reagan three times during Reagan’s eight-year presidency.

- ITEM 16: “Daddy Bush” (and Hillary Clinton) have also tried to assassinate President Donald Trump seven times. And Bush, throughout the years, has been involved with 25 assassination plots against other major political figures — specifically, Congress members and Senators.


- ITEM 17: If Gore had taken office and the Bushes weren’t able to steal the election, there was a plot to remove Gore and put Vice Presidential candidate Al Lieberman as President.
項目17:ゴアが就任し、ブッシュが選挙を盗むことができなかった場合、ゴアを削除し、副大統領候補のアル・リーバーマンを大統領に任命する計画がありました。 - ITEM 18: There’s a cover-up involving California Rep. Maxine Waters and the Blue Moon Bank in Thailand.
アイテム18:カリフォルニア州議会議員マキシンウォーターズとタイのブルームーン銀行を含む隠蔽工作があります。 - ITEM 19: The November 3, 2017 Rene Boucher assault on anti-war/pro-life Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was attempted murder. “That guy [Boucher] was chipped,” because Paul knows too much and he can’t be controlled.
アイテム19:2017年11月3日、反戦/プロライフのケンタッキー州上院議員ランドポールに対するレネブーシェの暴行が殺人未遂を試みました。「あの男[バウチャー]は欠けていた」とポールはよく知っていてコントロールできないからだ。 - ITEM 20: A reporter in a major network was going to break a story — which he is sitting on to this day — that the government contacted orphanages around the country and paid these orphanages to transport orphans to Washington D.C. so Dick Cheney and George H.W. Bush and other pedophiles (e.g. Barney Frank) could pick out the kids they wanted to have sex with. Then they took those kids to parties. Hookers were present at these parties. Congress members were drugged and photographs were taken of politicians and these orphans in sexually compromising positions. A huge portion of Congress was (and now is) controlled through blackmail.
アイテム20:主要なネットワークの記者は、政府が全国の孤児院に連絡し、孤児院をワシントンDCに輸送するためにこれらの孤児院に支払いをしたという話を破ろうとしていました。ディック・チェイニーとジョージHWブッシュそして他の小児性愛者(例えばバーニー・フランク)は彼らがセックスしたい子供たちを選ぶことができました。それから彼らはそれらの子供たちをパーティーに連れて行きました。フッカーはこれらのパーティーに出席していました。下院議員は薬を飲まされ、政治家と性的に危うい立場にあるこれらの孤児の写真が撮られました。議会の大部分は恐喝によって管理されていました(そして現在も管理されています)。 - ITEM 21: When the U.S. Marines raided the CIA buildings, they recovered pre-9/11 terrorist attack financial transactions, insurance documents, plus other papers. All these documents are now in possession of U.S. Marine Intelligence.

- ITEM 22: The State of Wisconsin, the Federal Reserve, and former (from 2001-2005) Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson were involved with theft of trillions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker should turn over everything he has or he will be subpoenaed.
項目22:ウィスコンシン州、連邦準備制度、および元(2001年から2005年まで)ウィスコンシン州知事のトミー・トンプソンは、米国財務省からの数兆ドルの盗難に関与していました。ウィスコンシン州知事のスコットウォーカーは、持っているものすべてを提出する必要があります。そうしないと、召喚されます。 - ITEM 23: California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has ordered a pedogate investigation of his own party, involving California Rep./Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris.

You can actually participate in crippling the Deep State organized criminal cabal, while enjoying healthcare freedom at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good.
Big Pharmaを永久にボイコットすることで、ヘルスケアの自由を享受しながら、DeepStateが組織した犯罪組織の破壊に実際に参加することができます。
