
QFSとは、Quantum Financial System の略で、日本語では量子金融システムと呼ばれています。次の金融システムであり、現在の中央銀行システムは終焉します。
- 金ゴールド裏付け通貨(金本位制度)
- 電子ゴールド証明書を伴う通貨
- 手数料や利息はとらない
- 現在の一般国民が有する通貨を移行して継続で使用する
- 闇勢力の不正貯蓄資金は凍結
- 一部の人間が勝手に通貨を作り出すことは不可能
- 国民が利子払いに追われることがなくなる
- 国家債務もなくなる
- 一部のグループに富が集中することがなくなる
次期金融システムであるQFS(Quantum Financial System)が準備されており、平等公平な金融システムが立ち上がろうとしています。
「既存の信託(トラスト)と量子金融システム(QFS:Quantum Financial System)について」
以下は、オーストラリアのジム・ホルダーからの個人的な問い合わせに対するマンナ・ワールド・ホールディング・トラスト (Manna World Holding Trust)に関する質問の回答の拡張バージョンです。他の人にも役立つことを期待して、これを共有します。
設計上、元金は払い戻されるべきではなく、経済から取り出された継続的な利子の支払いのみです。 (最低支払いクレジットカード)利子はどこからか来る必要がありますが、最終的には社会全体に行き渡る不足を生み出します。
QFSはすべて金である、広く認められている価値の源泉の延長上にあるまったく新しい貨幣です。 QFSが社会で活性化されるにつれて、世界中のこれらすべての新しい通貨は、中国のドラゴン社会によって何世紀にもわたって蓄積された長老の金の隠し場所を使用して、金(ゴールド)で裏打ちされたものになります。金塊レンガのシリアル番号を使用して特定のゴールドを参照する電子ゴールド証明書を使用します。
金本位制とは、国の通貨で価値観を生み出すために金を保有することです。 QFSの金に裏付けられた通貨では、通貨の価値がQFSの金に裏付けられたシステムで国際的に確保されているため、通貨を確保するために国が金を保有する必要はありません。
通貨を裏付けする価値を確立する初期段階では、エルダーの金準備金の40%のみが金の裏付けを達成することができます。残りの60%は、信託の不換通貨と歴史的債券の償還の調整に利用できます。また、世界中の人道プロジェクトを確立および維持するために、ジムの寄付者達が四半期ごとに資金を提供する支払い体系も利用可能です。 通貨再評価(RV)はこのシステムに流動性を加え、システムを成長させ、将来の世界経済の機能を変えることになります。それは人類に豊かさのメンタリティを生み出すことになるでしょう。
債券の所有権が決定され、資金が適切なQFSアカウントに入金されます。 CBのデータベース内で識別されたエンティティによって違法な手段で蓄積されたお金は、QFSによって認識され、エントリーからブロックされ、「アクティブ」ステータスとなるデジタルゴールド証明書は付与されません。(←※ここ重要です!)このゴールド証明書がないと、フィアットの通貨はQFSシステムでまったく価値がありません。それらの通貨は機能しなくなり、価値のない連邦準備制度(FRB)紙幣になります。
これには、すべてのネサラ繁栄パッケージ基金(NESARA Prosperity Package Funds)も含まれます。繁栄パッケージ( Prosperity Packages)のリリースが遅れているのは、リリース前に資金の調整が必要なためかもしれません。すべてのフィアット通貨は、必然的にこの和解プロセスを経てから、Bonified FundとしてQFSに受け入れられます。銀行口座にある個人が所有する不換通貨のこの照合は、ミリ秒単位で行われ、合法的に取得されていると仮定して、個人や企業の通常の取引を中断することなく処理されます。ゴールド証明書が付与され、QFS内では金担保通貨になります。
中央銀行の銀行システムがQFSの商用アプリケーションから排除されることは明らかです。 中央銀行のコンピューターでは、金の証明書を転送することも、銀行口座で金の証明書を会計処理することもできません。すべての国際商取引およびすべての国内商取引は、QFS内の口座間転送になります。 銀行業界のサービスを別の形で継続する計画が整っています。 それは、Zim Benefactorsを利用して計画されており、それにより、旧システムから新システムへのシームレスな移行が可能になり、国民が心配する必要がほとんど、または、まったくありません。 より良い方向への変化は常に進歩と考えられており、古いものが新しいものへのより良い方法へと変化していくように、これは起こるでしょう。
Concerning Existing Trusts and the QFS" by Ron Giles - 5.30.20
ソース:TETELESTAI Notification List
The following is an expanded version of a response for a personal inquiry from an Australian Zim Holder with questions about the Manna World Holding Trust. I share this with the hopes it may be helpful to others as well.
I agree with you, there are some pretty wonderfully advanced beings having phenomenal experiences using their Spiritual Gifts in many different cultures. Where it seems super-natural to some, it will become a new common way of being as the earth changes take place in society's advancements.
Concerning Existing Trusts and the QFS
Any Trust in the world that has money has obtained it through the present Central Banking System. It may have started in purity in the beginning, but making money through the banking system means you are receiving Fiat currencies or funds. Without gold-backing, the Central Banks create money out of thin air and then charge us interest when we borrow the money for our needs. Then we owe them interest back as well as the principle. In the overall scheme of things, where does the extra money come from to pay interest? The banks take the interest out of the economy and then loan it back into the economy while continuing to make interest profits off the people and the governments that borrow money to run the government. With this process, there is not enough cash flow, so the lack mentality prevails as people try to make ends meet while paying back interest as well as principle. By design, the principle is not supposed to be paid back, just continuous interest payments taken out of the economy. (Minimum pay credit cards) The interest has to come from somewhere, but the net results create the lack that pervades society in general. IE: who do we owe the National Debt to, and why does all of our Income Tax go the payment of the interest on the National Debt? All Income Tax is sucked out of the Economy. It goes to the 13 Families that own the Federal Reserve. This scam has caused major economic problems all over the world with very few countries being spared from the damage it has done to their people and their governments. Not to mention the damage it does to all currencies through inflation. It created a debt slavery system where lack of money becomes the normal way of living for personal finances as well as governments. It was an evil plan in the beginning and continues until it ends, and that's what is taking place now.
The New Quantum Financial System is the remedy that society has needed for a long time. There is no Usury nor fees associated with the QFS. Making money off of other people’s money is a thing of the past within the CB system. We are at the brink of being annihilated as a species and so major help has been given to us to thwart off the Satanist's plague and move into a more congenial system of Governance where the worth of every person is honored. The QFS, then, is the financial remedy.
The QFS is Gold-backed, not the Gold Standard.
The QFS is all brand-new money that is an extension of the universally acknowledged source of value that is Gold. As the QFS is activated in society all these new currencies in the world will be gold-backed using the Elder's gold stash accumulated over centuries by the Chinese Dragon societies. It will use electronic gold certificates that refer to a specific piece of gold using a Gold Bullion Brick's serial number. Each increment of currency has its own gold-backed value, regardless of the national origin of the currency. It is all coordinated so that there is a level playing field with all currencies being on par value with all other national currencies. Par value is a necessity within the QFS so that gold certificates can apply to all currencies equally.
In the initial stage of the QFS being activated, there will be a snapshot of the market value of the accumulated Elder's Golds. At that point, there is then a fixed value assigned to all currencies that will never change, regardless of the change in the market value of the gold. In this fixed value, the price of gold can go up or down without changing the value of one currency against another. It is set in stone on par value. This stabilizes the whole economic, financial system. The accumulated gold owned by any nation reverts back to a commodity that can then be sold at market value as an asset to create more money in a country’s economy. This makes it an active asset instead of a reserve asset that sits around creating no real value for the country. There is an intrinsic value of gold but its true value is established in commerce, not in a reserve status. Your best players need to be on the field to create their real value, not sitting on the bench.
The Gold Standard is holding gold to create a sense of value in a nation’s currency. With the QFS’ gold-backed currencies there is no need for a country to hold gold to secure their currency as the value of the currency is secured Internationally in the QFS system of gold-backing. A country can then sell its gold to the market and this will add to the economic viability of the country. In doing so, it does not change the value of their currency because a country's gold does not back its own currency, it is backed by the QFS gold. This sale of stored gold will eventually flood the gold market creating a downward trend in the price of gold. The use of gold for jewelry etc., will create a bottom price of gold rather than using gold to secure currency value. The market price for gold will eventually be a balance of the cost of mining the commodity and the merchants who will use it for their business endeavors; electronics, jewelry, gold plating, etc.
In the initial stages of establishing value to back currency, only 40% of the Elder's gold reserves will accomplish the gold backing. The other 60% is available for reconciliation of a Trust's fiat currency and Historic Bond redemptions. It is also available to fund the Structured payouts that become part of the quarterly funds available to Zim Benefactors to establish and maintain the humanitarian projects all over the world. The RV will add liquidity to this system and make it grow, thus changing the way the world economy will function in the future. It will create an Abundance Mentality for Mankind.
Again in the initial stage of the QFS being activated, the Central Banking system's computer data will be merged with the QFS and will be used to reconcile fiat currencies to determine if it is clear, clean, and non-terroristic funds. If indeed there are funds in the Manna World Holding Trust, as you have questioned and as with all other public Trusts, it will have to go through this reconciliation process for the funds, if any, to become a part of the QFS. The QFS will assign digital gold certificates to the funds and it will then be gold-back within the QFS. Historic Collateral Bonds will go through the same process of reconciliation and redemption before their funds are accepted into the QFS. The ownership of the bonds will be determined and the funds deposited into the appropriate QFS account(s). Money's accumulated through illegal means by entities identified within the CB's database, will be known by the QFS and will be blocked from entry and will not be assigned the digital gold certificate which would give them an "active" status. Without this gold certificate, the Fiat currencies have no value in the QFS system at all. They will become defunct, worthless Fed Banknotes; just wallpaper.like the Zim Bonds. The Zim Bonds have no real intrinsic value by themselves, only through the vehicle of redemption by the Alliance is the negotiated value established and realized. They have no resale value and will be destroyed once redeemed by the Alliance.
The word "Quantum" describes the massive capabilities of the computer to account for every financial transaction in the world in real-time. All QFS funds are to be held within the QFS in personal and commercial accounts. So, every transaction initiated is an account-to-account transfer within the QFS. The QFS knows where every increment of currency exists in every account. It tracks transactions as history from where funds are, to which account it was transferred to. There is no movement without the digital gold certificate being transferred with it, so it is easy to see where in the system all funds are located. Wow, what a computer.
This was a lengthy explanation that helps explain how any trust with money can be reconciled into the QFS, including the Manna World Holding Trust. It is a process that may take time but it will accomplish all historic funds for the present-day use as a value within the QFS. It mattereth not which Trust, as all Trusts and Historic Bonds will go through the same process if indeed there is proof of an authorized Trustee and proof of ownership of the Bonds. This includes all NESARA Prosperity Package Funds as well. It may be that the Prosperity Packages' delayed release is due to fact that the reconciliation of the funds is necessary prior to their release. All Fiat currency will of necessity go through this reconciliation process before it is accepted into the QFS as bonified funds. This reconciliation of fiat currencies owned by individuals in a bank account will go through this process in milliseconds and will be processed without interruption to a person's or business's normal transactions, assuming they are legally obtained. The gold certificate will be assigned and it will become gold-backed currency within the QFS. Even the new USN will have to go through the same reconciliation to be assigned the gold-backed gold certificate. Remember there will be a transition period where all necessary things will be accomplished. The Alliance is determined to make it as seamless as possible. I hope the Treasury uses wisdom in the release of the USN and be sure it is assigned a QFS gold certificate before it is released. I'm confident it will.
It should be obvious that the Central Bank banking system will be eliminated from commercial applications in the QFS. Their computers are not capable of transferring gold certificates nor accounting for them in a bank account. All international commerce as well as all national commerce will be account-to-account transfers within the QFS. There is a plan in place for the services of the banking industry to continue in a different form. It is being planned out with the use of Zim Benefactors so that it is a seamless transition from the old system to the new with little or no interruptions for the public to become concerned about. Changes for the better are always considered progress and this will happen as the old yields to a better way in the new.
I hope this is helpful information from my understanding.
Ron Giles